====== Box Plug-in Examples ====== These examples have been collected from other DokuWiki pages on the Internet. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ :-) :-) :-) the most basic box this is also boxed as is this boxes can also contain markup... * a list * of several * items

Title text would go here

Including this html snippet of a box

All those <b> tags handle the rounded corners

=== headings aren't allowed in boxes === | but | tables | are | and plugins ... ; definition : list : list : list and a [[link]]
a box to match the default dokuwiki colour scheme red box, 80% wide, with a title this is a blue box blue box with a title this is a green box a wide green box and an orange box testing testing testing testing // // this is also boxed // // testing 123456 // // I wonder what uses I could find for a box... * I will have to check this out * tomorrow * on my wiki But can there be a box inside of a box? **Simple box with rounded edges and no title** But with some "code", not really code, but just code layout * I will have to check this out * tomorrow * on my wiki **Same thing on the right handside** But with some "code", not really code, but just code layout * I will have to check this out * tomorrow * on my wiki {{page>wiki:syntax}}