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start 2008/11/30 12:28 start 2008/12/11 23:42 current
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<span style="color:Blue;font-size:200%;"> Engineering Physics 3A03: Application of Photonics Wiki </span> <span style="color:Blue;font-size:200%;"> Engineering Physics 3A03: Application of Photonics Wiki </span>
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<note> Only selected users can read and/or edit these pages. \\  **You must log in (using MacID)** to read most pages in this site.  Besides the instructor and TA, only currently registered students of the course have access to these pages.  \\ <note> Only selected users can read and/or edit these pages. \\  **You must log in (using MacID)** to read most pages in this site.  Besides the instructor and TA, only currently registered students of the course have access to these pages.  \\
Please contact the [[qiyin.fang@mcmaster.ca|instructor]] of this site for permission. Please contact the [[qiyin.fang@mcmaster.ca|instructor]] of this site for permission.
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2008-11-9:Last order of components coming up next week \\ 2008-11-9:Last order of components coming up next week \\
2008-11-16: Waiting for last order of components to arrive\\ 2008-11-16: Waiting for last order of components to arrive\\
-2008-11-18:  +2008-11-18: Last order of components has arrived!\\
-<html> +
-<span style="color:Red;font-size:100%;"> Last order of components has arrived! </span> +
-</html> \\ +
2008-11-28: Indoor demonstration completed \\ 2008-11-28: Indoor demonstration completed \\
-2008-12-2: Outdoor/2nd chance indoor demonstration \\+2008-12-2: <html> 
 +<span style="color:Red;font-size:100%;">Outdoor/2nd chance indoor demonstration </span> 
 +</html> \\  
====== EP3A03 Syllabus ====== ====== EP3A03 Syllabus ======
[[syllabus|Course Syllabus]] [[syllabus|Course Syllabus]]
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[[group3:group3start|{{wiki:group3.jpg?180}}]]\\ [[group3:group3start|{{wiki:group3.jpg?180}}]]\\
 +===== Final demonstration =====
 +<span style="color:green;font-size:150%;">
 +Traffic monitoring system </span>
 +{{wiki:l1000397.jpg?300 }}  \\
 +<span style="color:purple;font-size:150%;">
 +Spectrometer </span>
 +{{wiki:l1000395.jpg?300 }}  \\
 +<span style="color:Blue;font-size:150%;">
 +Free-space optical communication system </span>
 +{{wiki:l1000378.jpg?300 }} {{wiki:l1000377.jpg?300 }} \\
 +<span style="color:Blue;font-size:100%;"> For more pictures click </span>
 + [[pictures|here]]\\
Department of [[http://engphys.mcmaster.ca|Engineering Physics]] Department of [[http://engphys.mcmaster.ca|Engineering Physics]]

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