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people:anav 2008/09/02 14:28 people:anav 2008/09/22 17:09 current
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{{:people:ana.jpg?200X300|Ana Villafranca}}\\ {{:people:ana.jpg?200X300|Ana Villafranca}}\\
** Ana Villafranca**\\ ** Ana Villafranca**\\
-Graduate student, Ph.D. Engineering Physics\\+Graduate student, Ph.D. candidate Engineering Physics\\
//Office//: ABB/A402A\\ //Office//: ABB/A402A\\
//Email//:  villafab@mcmaster.ca\\ //Email//:  villafab@mcmaster.ca\\
-//Extension//: 22434\\+//Phone//: 905-525-9140  Ext. 22434\\
M.Sc. Engineering Physics, McMaster University, Canada\\ M.Sc. Engineering Physics, McMaster University, Canada\\

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