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Weekly Reports

Week 2: Sept 9-12

This week, the two of us met to discuss our first and second choices for the class project. We did some initial research in terms of pricing, components, feasibility, and optical design for each of the project choices. Based on this research we have decided our first choice will be the Traffic Observer. For this project we have investigated possible optical sources, as well as ideal microcontrollers available for data logging. Premilimary designs and cost allocations have been made according to parts found on websites such as and We are continuing to research the feasibility of the remaining two topics to decide which one will be our second choice.

Week 3: Sept 13-20

As the topic selection was this week, Leigh and I extensively researched our first and second choices, which were the Traffic Monitoring System (TMS) and the Free Space Optics System, respectively. Our design proposal was written and a detailed initial design with initial budget approximations were completed as well. For the upcoming week, as we will be putting in our first order for initial components, we have already researched and obtained part numbers and prices for microcontrollers, lenses, LEDs, and other key parts for our design. We have learned today that our first choice was accepted, and will now begin further work on the TMS design - starting with the 555 timer modulator circuit.

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