Table of Contents

Engineering Physics 3A03: Applications of Photonics Syllabus (Tentative)

This syllabus is tentative. Please refer to the instructor for official course syllabus.

Term 1 (2008-2009)


Dr. Qiyin Fang, CRL-207 Ext. 24227, Qiyin.fang @

Date and classroom:

Lectures: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 13:30-14:20am @ BSB/115
Design Project Lab: Fridays, 14:30-16:20am @ BSB/B101

Recommended text books

A. Yariv & P. Yeh, Photonics: optical electronics in modern communications, 6th edition, 2007
Pedrotti3, “Introduction to Optics,” 3rd edition, 2007
G. T. Reed & A. P. Knights, Silicon photonics: an introduction

Course objective:

An introduction to industrial, commercial, consumer, and medical applications of photonics; the fundamental physics governing the principal of the design and operation of optical instrumentation will be described and developed; emphasize on description of photonic solutions to real and industrially relevant problems. Some of the lectures will be given by invited experts in that field.

Students will be arranged into several three/four person teams to conduct a design projects. The design projects will involve the design, construction, and evaluation of a photonics based device to solve a particular problem. Each team will work on a different project chosen from a list of approved topics. There is a limited budget for each team and the final cost to complete the projects will be a factor in evaluation.

Course content outline:


It’s REQUIRED to use the e-mail tool of WebCT when communicate with the instructor/TA regarding this course. \\v It is REQUIRED to check the WebCT e-mail, discussion, and calendar tool for announcements regarding the class between 18:00-23:00 the day before class, i.e. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.

Evaluation and assignment of grades:

Assignment: 40%
Design Project: 40%

Selection of a topic as a team:   	5% 
Design Presentation:	  	5% 
Completion of Instrument: 	15% 
Final presentation: 		5% 
Final Report: 			10% 

Midterm exam: 20%

Tentative course syllabus